A woman with a green shower cap holding a white pad for makeup removing and smiling

How To Make A Makeup Remover

As early as 10,000 BC in Egypt, both men and women lined their eyes and eyebrows. According to images from historical findings, the use of makeup was not limited to women. It was not only for cosmetic purposes but it was believed to reduce sun glare, and restore good eyesight and reduce eye infection.

Today, in many cultures people wear eye makeup for mainly cosmetic reasons. Eye makeup is fun!  You can do a lot with the different color eye shadows that add dimension and depth to one’s eyes. It complements the eye color and draws attention.


The skin around the eyes is very delicate. You do not want to damage the skin. The eye area is one of the most common areas people want to change, especially when it comes to reducing dark circles and fine lines

Eye makeup can “hide” some of the flaws but you have to remove the makeup at night, right?  So, here is my question. What do you use to remove eye makeup? Do you use store bought eye makeup remover? That is what I did, but I was not comfortable with the chemicals in the products. I looked for some natural eye makeup remover for a long time and finally found the perfect solution – my very own eye makeup remover! In the video below, watch the full process of preparing it! 👇

To make the remover more gentle to your skin, especially if you have dry, sensitive or skin with fine lines, you can add vegetable glycerin. The ratio can be up to oil: glycerin = 4:1.

Shelf life and storage – Since this makeup remover does not contain any water, it has a longer shelf life, up to 1 year. You can also add a drop of vitamin E to prevent rancidity. Always keep it dry and don’t let any water get into the bottle.

I hope you’ll love it as much as I do! Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!

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