Body Exercises

Since there is an inevitable connection between face and body, ensuring that your body is healthy and you are feeling good in it, is the crucial part of your Face Yoga practice. Here, you can find all my favorite body exercises!


Having a toned and sculpted body is not important only because of beauty-related reasons, but primarily because of health reasons – a strong and defined body is a synonym for good health. This is why the Face Yoga Method is not just about face exercises, but about empowering you to take control over your face, mind, but also your BODY. In my blog posts in this category, I offer different exercises that will help you tone different parts of your body – legs, arms, shoulders, back…


Here is a list of some of my most popular body exercises blogs:
– Routine Exercises For Toned, Sculpted and Strong Arms
– An Easy and Effective Ab Exercise Using Only a Wall
– Tighten Your Tummy And Support Your Back Without Crunches
– The Kitchen Work Out Secrets Your Mother Didn’t Share With You
– Good Bye Middle Back Pain And Hello Toned Back


I know that you are able to find great machines at the gym that specifically target different body areas and provide great workouts. But when you don’t have the time to go to the gym, these very simple, at-home exercises are great to keep you on track and in great shape. The best part is that none of these routines require fancy equipment and you can do them at home using your own bodyweight – which is much safer than many of some other exercises you might try.

So, no more excuses! Let’s get to work and start toning your body today!!


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