It Only Took Me 3 Months To Pay It Off

“Face Yoga Certification transformed my work as a Yoga Teacher and Health Counselor ”

Angela was already working in the health and wellness niche and serving people through teaching body yoga and as a health counselor. But she knew something was missing. 

She wanted to “help her clients beautify from the inside-out”. And something about how Fumiko taught Face Yoga, with “so much heart” resonated with her.

So Anglea took a leap and joined the Face Yoga Certification Course in the middle of a global pandemic!

“This Course is so unique because it teaches you to read what an individual person needs with clarity. I have this toolbox now, to use the Face Yoga Method to improve people’s lives.”

Angela didn’t start with any Face Yoga knowledge prior to joining the Course. But she came into the program as a learner and upon graduating felt equipped to share this with the world!

You learn what to teach and how to teach, almost like a medical program!

Angela Rosoff after Face Yoga Certification
Angela Rosoff

It was a match-made-in-heaven…

But what Angela didn’t realize was how much Marketing and Business Building tools she was going to learn inside the Face Yoga Certification Course.

 “It’s like jumpstarting your business! Just the Marketing Module is worth the entire cost of this Program.

Angela had done other Business-Building programs in the past, but none had the financial effect on her business like Maria’s Marketing Module inside the TCC.

“What I really like about how Maria teaches business is that it’s really feminine.”

Angela resonated with the empowering message of doing one-step-at-a-time and building your business from the ground up. We teach that it’s not a rat-race, that you have time and your first focus should be to practice teaching and to test your market.

So Angela got to work and followed the Marketing Module curriculum!

She started adding Face Yoga to her current offerings inside Yoga Studios and her students loved it! After that, she started offering 1-on-1 sessions online to reach “a wider net of people to impact”.

… And it worked!

“Within 3 months, I made back the investment into the Course! Worth every penny!”

Listen to Angela’s full story below:

“Now I put my “stamp”, my Face Yoga Certification badge on everything I do. It symbolizes quality and people recognize it”

And it’s not just Angela’s local clients in San Francisco who recognize the brand-name of “Face Yoga Method”…

All of our Certified Teachers are listed on our website inside of a Face Yoga Certified Teacher Directory after they graduate. And with hundreds of thousands visitors to the Face Yoga Method website every month, Certified Teachers get a lot of visibility and free promotion.

In fact, Angela has “gotten 7 clients just from the Teacher Directory on the website!”

Then, excitingly Angela was approached by an App Company who also found her profile inside the Face Yoga Certified Teacher Directory. They soon partnered up and Angela is now writing blog posts for them and filming social media videos on the side.

“It’s just a wonderful side-project and a great boost of income!”

woman celebrating success

Here’s to celebrating Angela’s success! And she’s only getting started. We can’t wait to follow more of her Journey and how she is impacting the lives of her community.

I’m just so proud to be a little sliver of this organization

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