A person gurgling water.

How To Cure A Sore Throat Naturally

During the cold season, or any time of the year the feeling of “coming down” with something is not fun at all. Unexpected sickness not only changes your daily routine, but it also changes your emotional state and your face! A sore throat is one of the symptoms I particularly don’t like and in the post below I’ll show you how to cure it fast. 

When you have a sore throat, food doesn’t taste good and it is hard to take a drink! And as a result, I become an unhappy person! When I am not happy it shows on my face. When I have a sore throat, I often frown.

Sore throat ->unhappy-> bad facial expression -> unwanted wrinkles!

It may be just a sore throat but it really affects the way you feel and the way you look!

The Black Tea Magic

I learned at an early age to gargle when I came in from outside, especially during the winter season. I used to use salty water to gargle but about 10 years ago, I was introduced to gargling with black tea/English tea. That changed everything. It works much better than salty water. The sore throat decreases dramatically if not gone instantly. Simply amazing!

The Secret of Japan – Scientific Proof

One of the professors from the Showa University School of Medicine did a study using 300 students divided into 2 groups. One group gargled with black tea twice a day with tea and the other did not. The results? The group that gargled with tea was not knocked out by a cold! What is the secret of black tea? Black tea is high in catechins. The catechins help the body fight viruses and prevent the activities of free radicals.

How to Use Black Tea to Fight a Cold and Cure Sore Throat

It is much simpler than you think. You make a cup of tea using black tea. You can use a tea bag or loose tea leaves but make it stronger than usual. When it is ready, just gargle for 10 seconds or more. Repeat this 2-3 times until your sore throat is gone or diminished. Drinking tea can help but does not work that well for the purpose of fighting a cold or soothing a sore throat. Isn’t it simple enough to try? I would love to hear your experience! Please leave comments below. If your culture has any “secrets” I would love to learn, so please let me know your culture’s “secret.”

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4 thoughts on “How To Cure A Sore Throat Naturally”

  1. Katterine Aguirre

    Hi My name is Katterine and I’m from Ecuador. Since I was little my mother always taut me to gargle with black tea lemon and salt and have to say it’s a life saver. I’ve never tried black tea by itself but I can only thing salt and lemon just adds to the benefits and wasn’t aware of the benefits of black tea but definitely during the times we are in it’s even more beneficial to gargle with it !

  2. About 4 years ago, my mom introduced me to this amazing treatment. I had zero faith in its efficacy, but man how mistaken I was! It gives instant relief, and if you used it early you have high chance of eradicating it completely.

  3. Just tried out your technique and it worked wonders! Almost immediately after my throat felt much better than before.

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