Photo featuring the tittle of the blog post "Motherhood And My Journey With Self-Care" and below Fumiko Takatsu holding a white puppy with her daughter besides them smiling

Motherhood And My Journey With Self-Care

Only when I became a mother myself, I realized how easily our devotion and endless love for our kids can make us forget to think about ourselves. My mom was a phenomenal caregiver and an example of a mother who would give up everything for her child. However, I wish I had this state of mind and knew what I know today to give her an advice at the time to not stop caring for herself too. Because and above all, being a good mother means being yourself – motherhood and self-care go hand in hand!

My Mom and Her Selfless Devotion

When I was five, I woke up as the happiest girl in the world.

The moment I opened my eyes, I rolled over and felt something new under my pillow.

I had just lost a tooth and gushed over how badly I wanted a baby kitty all to myself in my letter to the Tooth Fairy, and “she” delivered!

My mom, being the incredible caregiver that she is, read my letter to the Tooth Fairy and sprung to action working through the night to make my dream come true.

When she couldn’t get me a real kitten, she made something even more special- a lovingly crafted handmade stuffed kitty. This lovingly crafted stuffed animal is so symbolic for me, because it represents how acts of love can make us feel, and also represents the lengths we go to as caregivers to create this joy for the ones we love.

Motherhood and self-care. Fumiko and the stuffed kitten her mom made for her.

This is just one example of my mother’s selfless devotion to me, and how her love overpowered every decision she made. Because of that love, she would drop anything to ensure my happiness, and even when I asked her to stop working so I could be with her all the time – she did.

And I thought that this was completely normal and acceptable until I became a mother for myself and realized how easily we can lose our own identity.

Motherhood and self-care. Fumiko and her mom.

My Journey to Motherhood Has Come in Seasons

The first season was my pregnancy and the mantras I repeated to myself through its toughest moments.

The second season was the day of my daughter’s birth, and this was not just her birthday, but it was my birth too.

The moment I held her everything finally felt right, and after months of worry over her Down Syndrome diagnosis, this feeling was a welcome relief.

As I held her, counting her fingers and toes over and over, I entered into what I can only compare to a ‘flow-state’. In this precious time, everything fell into its place. I surrendered and I learned to trust the process of motherhood.

The process I had been through over her diagnosis with Down Syndrome,

The uncertainty of life with a baby of my own,

and concerns about raising a family in a country without my own mother to guide me…

…. All of this made sense.

These seasons of motherhood were as necessary and transformational for me as they were for my daughter.

With her first breath, I too surrendered to my new life and quickly realized the magic of motherhood.

The Magic of Being a Mom Comes With Price

Still, this magic comes with a price…

The decisions I made were no longer about me, even the thoughts I have were centered around my child and her needs being met.

Instantly the effects of everything I did, doubled.

I quickly fell into the patterns I had seen from my own mother. I hardly even noticed as the days blurred into weeks, which blurred into entire seasons.

As mothers, it is all too easy to get swept up in the flurry of giving.

Anyways, when we make the effort to take a step outside the role of “mother” and instead, focus on ourselves and caregiving, we get extraordinary results. This is because motherhood and self-care indeed are inseparable terms.

The Huge Impact of Self-Care on Our Lives

It wasn’t until after I returned from my first solo trip after becoming a mother, that I realized the massive impact self-care could have on my life.

When I returned from my week-long trip away from my family (freezer still brimming with the perfectly labeled dinners I’d prepared for my absence), I was able to see with clearer eyes.

My relationship with my husband felt easier and my love for my daughter didn’t feel like it was taking anything from me. Everything felt the way I’d always dreamed it would – peaceful and perfect.

Our Self-Care Is Caregiving.

I carry this memory with me through each season of motherhood. Therefore, If my cup isn’t full, and I’m running on empty, I’m incapable of showing up and be the best mom I can be.

I now know that it’s critical for me to care for myself. This practice is actually what helps me show up as the best version of myself and be a positive role model for my daughter.

I want her to grow up knowing that it’s OK to love yourself, to see your flaws and embrace them and that it’s always ok to ask for help. That’s why I never want her—or any woman— to feel guilty about the time she spends finding peace or chasing her heart’s desires.

Motherhood and self-care. Fumiko and her daughter.

Every day she sees that I  not only care for our family but spend just as much time caring for myself.

The gift I’d most like to give my mom this year for Mother’s Day is the permission to take some time for herself each day.

I Would Like to Give The Gift of Freedom to You Too

Self-care is something I share with you every day through the products, videos, and programs I’ve created.

So, to help you get in the habit of a few minutes of self-care each day, I’m thrilled to announce that I have launched BRAND NEW FACE YOGA JUMPSTARTS, so feel free to check them out!

If you give me 15 minutes of your day for these Jumpstarts which target the area of your face you want to work on the most, I can help transform the way you look, feel, and care for yourself and others. That’s a promise!

5 Face Yoga Poses

13 thoughts on “Motherhood And My Journey With Self-Care”

  1. Tihana Škrinjarić-Gavrin

    Dear Fumiko,thank you for sharing your most precious life story.I am touched deeply.

  2. Érica Richard

    This is the most beautiful video of a business person I ever seen. You put there the most sacred: motherhood and your memories about your mom, raising a Down Syndrome alone, say your truth and follow your dreams even though you have the big commitment of being a mom. I have 4 kids, I homeschool them because I teach them with a method that develops self consciousness and self discipline. The Montessori method. Our bonding is so strong that they want me to homeschool them instead of going to a school. I love it, but I am a tv anchor and I love acting. I want to run a business about parenting and ethical values doing videos package for parenting and short films to teach ethical values for children. I feel overwhelmed with my lack of time though. It will be a very long term project since my youngest is 11 months! What advice can you give me as an online business owner? Happy Mother’s Day. My sister just knew that her third baby has Down and is in the devastation state so it was helpful for her to know about this video. Thank you:) 🙂 🙂

    1. Fumiko Takatsu

      Erica! My daughter goes to Montessori school and she loves it!!!
      As for the message I want to share with you is… do not try to do everything perfectly! I have only one child and still not easy to balance my life. You have 4 kids and homeschooling. Motherhood is an amazing job and on top of that, you have a strong passion to create your own online business. Follow your dream and passion and enjoy the moment. I decided not to focus on balancing life but instead, try to be centered by anchoring my core value. Enjoy the process and keep the vision. Your kids really appreciate what you are trying to create. And also… do not forget self-care 🙂
      As for your sister…. I understand the shock and pain she is going through now. But please let her know, the life with a kid with Down Syndrome is so special. She will see the beauty she has probably never seen. I am embracing my life as is and it is a beautiful journey.
      There are more blog posts (videos) I talked about my journey with Nina. Please send big hugs and kisses to your sister.

  3. Fumiko,

    I always enjoy your videos and look forward to experiencing the
    face yoga method. You are very beautfiul inside and out! <3

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