How This Single Mom Supports Her Family 100% With Face Yoga

You’ve taken the leap, invested in yourself, and have just started a brand new self-run business when life hits you – hard….

This is the make-it-or-break-it moment Certified Face Yoga Teacher, Susanne Dyhr encountered shortly after Graduating the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course.

She was throttled into the position of single-mom with sons to support out of the blue.

Shortly after I launched my Face Yoga business, I was in a new and scary situation when I suddenly became alone. I had to move and lost my clinic. Was I able to support my children from my Face Yoga business 100%?”  

At first, Susanne didn’t have the answers.
She knew she “wasn‘t ready to give up after 4 months of hard work with [her] business and passion” but feared she might have to, for the sake of her boys.

These are the kinds of experiences the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course is designed to teach you to navigate. I didn’t just create this course to teach you everything I know about Face Yoga…

I offer the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course to armor you with the tools you need to THRIVE with your new business!

Fumiko and Susan

Susanne recalls,
“in the beginning [the course] was very overwhelming. There are many exercises and it requires deep and basic knowledge to be able to teach the technique behind the exercises to others. Another scary thing was to share a video about face yoga with the rest of the group.”

But “Fumiko’s in-depth seminars gave me the necessary knowledge. And her support and trust in me made me believe in my own abilities.
She pushes me, but gently.“

Eventually, Susanne “found strength in [her] network – also the Face Yoga Teacher network”. It was the lessons, community, and skillset that guided her to persevere and push through her challenges.

Now Susanne teaches exclusively online and supports her students through a closed Facebook group and most recently, this October she launched a Face Yoga book!

“I found that I love teaching online. I am an introverted person and as a single mom, this setup works perfectly for me.”

How Does Certified Face Yoga Teacher’s Life Look Like?

If you’re thinking about becoming a Certified Face Yoga Teacher, I’ll end this post with Susanne’s inspiring words: 

“With hard work, a clear strategy and fantastic support and trust from my followers and clients, I managed to create a business that supports me and my children financially 100% in a short time.

Two years ago I could not have imagined myself being able to do this. Face Yoga truly changed my life and has given me an inner strength I didn’t imagine. 

Today I define my success as a mix of things. 

I truly want to support and inspire other women to make changes in their lives as I did. Seeing my clients change from the inside out every day is an important factor for me to feel successful. 

However, it also requires that I love what I do, that I can fully support my family financially and have a good work/life balance.”

Most recently Susanne hit another milestone and further scaled her business with the launch of her beginner-friendly book, Ansigtsyoga, this fall.

Certified Face Yoga Teacher, Susan Dyhr holding her book, Ansigtsyoga


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