How To Treat Pesky 11’s And Frowning Lines

The forehead is a common area that shows the most significant signs of aging for most people. The surface area of the forehead is one of the largest on the entire face, and it’s easily noticeable at first glance.

Furthermore, the forehead muscle is a large muscle extending to the back of the head and is engaged most of the time. This muscle is working, even when you feel you’re not engaging it, meaning, you’re either subconsciously preventing or subconsciously creating 11 lines and frowning lines.

If you thought that preventing unnecessary lines and wrinkles is impossible, we’re about to show you how. We’ll also show you how to smooth out already existing fine lines and wrinkles, 100% naturally! 

A woman wondering how to get rid of frowning lines.

Preventing 11’s and Frowning Lines

Preventing premature aging might be a hot new buzzword, but prevention always came first at the Face Yoga Method. You can reverse fine lines, wrinkles, even asymmetry, but if you can, why not prevent it in the first place? 

We’re not gonna sugar coat it; your subconscious habits are the #1 instigator of premature aging. Here’s why:  

You store your stress and tension in the face, just like you store it in the body. If you’re not aware of it, you might be constricting or holding your breath (which adds more tension), which later shows on your face. In addition, this stress often shows up in the form of frowning — and the act of frowning creates a blueprint for wrinkles to form. 

Now think of all the times you sit at the computer or are in a rush to get the laundry done. Start to bring conscious awareness to your breath and your facial expression in your day-to-day life.
Where are you holding tension?
Where are you frowning and squinting without realizing it?

To do this, we recommend you take a few seconds every hour or so to relax your shoulders, check in with your breath, and even touch and massage out your forehead. If it helps, sit in front of a mirror so you can simply glance and notice when you subconsciously frown your forehead. Not only will this result in a smoother forehead, but because your facial and body expression sends signals to your brain, your mood will significantly shift too.

A woman smiling while pointing towards her forehead wrinkles.

How To Get Rid Of Frowning Lines

At this point, you probably don’t question the fact that doing repeated squats or bicep curls will build and shape your buttocks and arms. This same concept applies to your face. Whether you’re repeatedly frowning or repeatedly doing Face Yoga exercises, you’re contributing to what’s showing up on your face. 

Often neglected, the face is full of big and small muscles.

And just like the body, these muscles can be strengthened, shaped, and toned. This is where the Face Yoga Method comes in. With specifically designed exercises to target and isolate both the big and small muscles in your forehead area, you’re able to smooth out the pesky 11’s and get rid of frowning lines by building up the muscle underneath the skin’s surface. When the muscles are toned, the skin above it naturally smooths out as well. 

Eyes and Forehead wrinkles - Before and After Face Yoga Result
Before and After

But don’t just take our word for it; try it for yourself! 

With proper technique and healthy habits, Face Yogis notice changes within as little as two weeks, and some even within days! The key to any new lifestyle change is consistency, awareness, and tracking your progress. 

So go ahead, snap a photo of where you are now and begin your forehead transformation with our FREE Face Yoga Class designed explicitly for wrinkle-free forehead. We can’t wait to see how this reflects on your face and in your life! 

8 thoughts on “How To Treat Pesky 11’s And Frowning Lines”

      1. Hi Fatima! Sorry you missed this Free Class. You can register for our upcoming Free Class by clicking on the registeration button at the bottom of the page. Alternatively, feel free to explore the abundance of other free content we have available for you.

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