Living The Life I Once Dreamed Of

For the longest time, I thought that having a clear goal was the key to happiness and success in life. 

To me, being goal oriented also meant living in the future – not looking back at the past, and always moving forward. 

Sounds so positive, right? 

Ever since I was younger, I always had clear visions about the goals I wanted to achieve, the things I wanted to have, and the dreams I wanted to create.

Whenever relatives would visit our hometown in Japan, they would get entertained by a 7-year old who talked non-stop about what she wanted to be when she grew up.

Fumiko’s childhood photo

And, even as I continued with my life as a young adult, people would often compliment me on how straightforward I was on what I wanted in my life!

I had lived this way for a long time… and I thought I was creating my ideal life. 

But now that I’m almost turning 55, ironically, I realized I was MISSING OUT on a lot of things that are MORE important.

The privilege of waking up every day…

Enjoying the sweet smell of flowers…

Feeling the fresh cool wind on my face during an afternoon walk…

You see, in some way, I still believe we need a goal and a vision to keep us going.

It’s these dreams and visions that inspire us, allow us to improve our craft, and push us to be better in whatever we do. 

Whether it’s a vocation, a business, or even motherhood.

But, it becomes a different story when we get consumed by our relentless pursuit of achieving the NEXT big thing.

The next big purchase…

The next accomplishment…

The next reward…

It becomes a vicious cycle of wanting more, rather than celebrating what we have, what we’ve become, what we’ve shared to the world.

Without even realizing it, every waking day for the last two decades, I was always searching for solutions.

Always asking myself, “How can I be more efficient so that I can achieve my next goal?”

Last night, after everyone had gone to bed, I saw a quote that one of our good friends shared on her timeline while scrolling through my Facebook feed.

“Sometimes, we are so focused on the future that we forget that we are living inside one of the dreams we manifested long ago.”

And that hit me hard.

I always tell my fellow Face Yogis, “Focus on the body and living in the present moment”. 

But apparently, it was easier said than done.

Before going to bed that night, I went into deep thought and reflected on one of my biggest dreams and manifestations: 

Building a Pro-Age movement and inspiring MILLIONS of women to become the best version of themselves through Face Yoga!

Women practicing face yoga during online live class
Live Face Yoga class with Fumiko

I remembered one time when I was moved to tears in front of thousands during a live broadcast, when a woman said that Face Yoga was her last resort. 

She was full of sadness and pain in her eyes, and seeing her face light up after being surrounded with a supportive community of Face Yogis just made my heart melt.

It was one of the most memorable moments of my life, and I realized that what I was so looking forward to achieving was moments like this.

So simple, yet so beautiful and profound.

And so before I turn 55 next month, I’d like to celebrate you, our Community of empowered and beautiful Face Yogis, and EVERYTHING that the Face Yoga Method has become.

It’s been more than 20 years since I built this Revolution from zero, with only my sister-in-law, Maria, by my side.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that one day, I’d be surrounded by MILLIONS of women around the world who believe in my Method and the power of Face Yoga! 

Instead of thinking about the next “big thing” that I want to happen in my life, I am humbled and reminded that I am living in one of my dreams today…

And that’s something to be TRULY grateful for. 

That is YOU, my dear Face Yogi.

And it would mean the world to me if you will join me in celebrating my 55 years of life!

Here’s an invitation for you to JOIN me in my upcoming Face Yoga Method Virtual Summit on October 4th, 5th, and 6th!

This 3-Day Live Summit is devoted not just to celebrate my birthday, but to give you a chance to immerse yourself in experiences and knowledge that will deepen your appreciation for your own Pro-Age Journey. 

It’s about discovering how to nurture your well-being, putting yourself first, and igniting a face, body, and mindset transformation that will make you love life at every age!

It’s the BIGGEST and MOST ANTICIPATED Face Yoga event of the year, and I can’t wait to see you lift every ounce of value in this transformative 3-day Journey.

That’s more than 12 hours of content on skin care, mindset, and everything Face Yoga!


10 thoughts on “Living The Life I Once Dreamed Of”

  1. Thank you for sharing your life with us. I have never looked back from the day I found out about your face yoga. You’re turning 55 years! You don’t even look 30.

  2. I am 55. Reading Fumiko, it was like analyzing myself. Thats so true.
    It just came to me suddenly, that I am living the Life I once dreaded of, but I overlooked that very fact …
    So, I have decided to write a letter to myself, to put all my emotions, thoughts, fears, happiness … I no longer want to overlook the important things in my life. I dear, I challenge myself to celebrate the life

    Thank You Fumiko

  3. Hello! I am also turning 55 next month and I just want to say that I admire you for what you had done with your life and specially your skin and very thankful for sharing your knowledge with us.

  4. Una profonda riflessione!!!!
    Mi alleno per essere presente e vedere, ringraziare ed apprezzare quello che già ho.
    Non è sempre facile. Faccio competizioni con i miei cani, ed è sempre vicina una prossima gara, un’altra opportunità di mettersi in gioco, sempre in modo gioioso, ma..
    Per non farmi travolgere, ho messo bene in evidenza le medaglie già vinte, per ricordare di vivere GIÀ dentro la manifestazione del sogno!
    GRAZIE per tutto quello che fai. Buon compleanno!!!!! E grande festa!!!!

  5. Happy Birthday Fumiko,

    I had shoulder surgery and can not lift my left arm to do the face yoga for my forehead is there another way to achieve the same face yoga to reduce the forehead wrinkles that are on my forehead? Also what can help with the wrinkles you get above your lip? Thank-you for Face yoga it is helping, but because of my shoulder surgery I am unable to do all the yoga, so I am not seeing the results I would if I did not have limited use of my shoulder and arm. Because of the pain I am experiencing from my third surgery I am unable to join you at your summit! Thank-you for the kind offer!

    1. Hi Kathleen! Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes ❤️

      While using your hands for assistance can maximise your results, many of the exercises don’t require hands-on assistance, which is what makes them so versatile and accessible. We recommend that you keep practicing, focusing on doind hand free poses for noe until you are able to incorporate your hands in the practice and we’re positive that you’re going to see results. Feel free to explore our librabry free content for the forhead and lip area here and on Youtube and choose what suits your needs. We wish you a speedy recovery and we look forward to your FYM Journey.

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