Lani Diacono


I am honored to be the first FYM Certified Face Yoga Instructor on the island of Maui, HI. I have been practicing yoga for the body for 25+ years, and have taught Hatha Yoga for approximately a decade. I also work in the Wellness Department at our local Natural Foods Grocery Store; I am very passionate about healthy lifestyle and holistic self-care.

At a core level, Yoga is a Journey of Self-Awareness that starts with the physical body. Yoga for the face is a natural extension of Yoga for the body; our muscles do not end at the neck…

If there is a “Fountain of Youth” for the body, it is Hatha Yoga. Likewise, if there is a “Fountain of Youth” for the face, it is Face Yoga!

Face Yogis are “raising the bar” on the “Pro-Aging Revolution!” Like fine wine, Face Yogis become more vibrant, radiate more beauty inside and out, and evolve into better and better versions of ourselves with the passage of time…

Face Yoga has transformed my face and my life. I would love the opportunity to be your guide on a transformational journey of awakening, uplifting and revitalizing your natural beauty. I can be reached at [email protected].

Wishing you love, light and aloha! Namaste.

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