A woman in different incorrect postures that are causing wrinkles.

Avoid The Habits That Are Wrinkling Your Skin

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” ~ Ben Franklin

Smooth, Wrinkle-free skin? 
We all want it! 

But what does it take to have it? 
Avoiding the habits preventing you from it! 

Here’s the thing. You’re frustrated over your fine lines and wrinkles because you know they’re premature signs of aging. Meaning they’re occurring before their due time, or at least before you expected them. 

They’re not going away either unless you do something about it!

Fine lines and wrinkles aren’t only signs of aging, they’re a sign of bad habits — and those are avoidable! 

If you’ve been avoiding the mirror and stacking up on every single anti-wrinkle cream on the market, this blog is for you. 

Face Yogi, you have two options. You can either do nothing and feed your frustration and discontentedness or you can learn how you can prevent what’s causing your wrinkles in the first place. 

We’re about to show you the simple preventive measures that’ll save your skin! 

As Simple As H2O

It’s human nature to want to cling to complicated solutions. When in reality, it’s often the simplest of them that yield the best results. This certainly applies to the number one on every one of our lists — HYDRATION! 

Think of your house plants and how they react when they’re not properly watered. Your skin reacts the same way! While your skin is more resilient than a house plant, don’t underestimate what the lack of proper hydration does over a lifetime. 

No amount of creams, lotions, and oils will perk up your skin if it’s dried out from the inside. You can mask the symptoms temporarily but hydration is your number one tool for healthy, smooth, wrinkle-free skin. 

Sleep Your Way To Smooth Skin

When it comes to preventing fine lines and wrinkles — we can’t but mention SLEEP! You probably didn’t think of sleep as something that can cause wrinkles, but the truth is your sleep position can. 

Any prolonged crease or posture your face makes creates a blueprint for that crease or posture to stick around. When it comes to your sleep position, it might just be creating a blueprint for wrinkles to form. This usually happens for side and stomach sleepers and the wrinkles form on the side of the face, or in the form of nasolabial folds. For back sleepers, wrinkles can form on the neck area if the head position isn’t in the proper position. 

A good pillow is all it takes to give you both a good night’s sleep and smooth, wrinkle-free skin! Here’s our favorite pillow worthy of our Face Yogis.

Preventing Wrinkles With Awareness

Contrary to popular belief, wrinkles aren’t just a sign of aging. They’re a sign of bad habits. Squinting, frowning, poor posture, stress, and so many more are slowly adding up in your day-to-day life to create the pesky fine lines and wrinkles you then spend time worrying about — creating more wrinkles! 

But we want to put a stop to this endless cycle. Awareness is what it takes! 

Maybe you’re already aware of the habits that are aging your skin but need help preventing them, or you’re unsure where to even start. Whatever the case, we got you. Our Aging Habits Quiz will give you more clarity around the habits aging your skin and give you insight into how you can prevent premature wrinkles. You’re welcome. 🙂

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