Collagen’s #1 Enemy: The fastest way to destroy healthy skin

You’ve heard it before; sugar is bad for the body.

The same is even more true when it comes to your skin (especially youthful-looking skin).

Experts believe that sugar is enemy #1 for smooth skin. Here’s how to undo the damage and do right by your skin without sacrificing the foods you love!

The science of sugar-damaged skin

I know it can be a bitter pill to swallow but before you blame the messenger, the damage to your youthful skin is due to a process called glycation.

Glycation is the process where digested sugar bonds to the collagen in your skin, rendering it useless. This allows sugar to have such a detrimental effect on your skin and blood sugar levels.

Lack of collagen affecting the skin

Good news is…

Thankfully, you can consume collagen as a supplement or get it through the foods you eat (bone broth, fish, chicken, etc).

Our Collagen SuperPowder contains a complete daily serving of premium, hydrolyzed marine collagen, plus we’ve added in eight all-natural nutritives to help with a variety many skin, hair, and aging conditions.

Marine collagen can help with issues like dehydrated skin, dull, tired-looking skin, acne, eczema, thinning hair, weak joints and brittle nails. But, SuperPowder also contains other unique beauty-boosting ingredients like white mulberry and apple peel powder.

Along with marine collagen, its unique ingredients allow our handcrafted, tested, and proven formula to help lighten dark age spots, create a glowing complexion, boost mood and energy, and more!

Our recipe is designed to support your skin and overall health while combatting the effects of sugar overload.

Why we chose marine collagen

Compared to other animal sources, we believe wild-caught marine collagen is the best choice because collagen in fish skin tends to be similar to the collagen in the human body.

Plus if you don’t eat meat (or want to eat less meat) marine collagen is your best option for Type I and Type III collagen supplementation. 

The importance of hydrolyzed collagen

Research and scientific data prove that hydrolyzed collagen is the very best method for extracting collagen if you want to see benefits in your skin.

Hydrolyzed collagen is collagen that has been broken down from the source, through a water-driven process. These smaller, digestible particles are designed to be easily used by your body and provide a much higher chance of making it through the digestive process, improving your opportunity to experience the benefits for your skin, hair, nails, and joints.

“Other collagen supplements have caused severe stomach upset. With SuperPowder, I experienced no discomfort.” ~ Tina S.

Collagen molecule structure

Type I & III collagen

There are dozens of types of collagen proteins, but if you’re looking to support your skin, hair, nails, you want to find a collagen supplement with Type I and Type III collagen.

Now that we had the perfect base, we enhanced the Original Recipe with some delicious and beneficial culinary herbs, and added in a pinch of hyaluronic acid to give your skin a well-rounded superfood you can enjoy every delicious sip of!

Here’s what’s inside our all~natural Collagen SuperPowder

A magnifying glass showing all natural ingredients on Collagen SuperPowder packaging
Nine All-Natural Skin-Loving Super Ingredients

Clean, all-natural ingredients that deliver safe, hydrating, full-body and skin support in every sip.

Our unique blend of all-natural ingredients go beyond the ordinary collagen supplements, offering your skin, bones, joints, hair, and nails essential vitamin support.* 

Hyaluronic Acid offers mega-hydration at a cellular level* helping give you a radiant look of lit-from-within skin.

White Mulberry Leaf Powder is incredibly rare, but so beneficial. We love this ingredient for its ability to visibly repair and reduce hyperpigmentation, lighten dark age spots, and for creating a flawlessly glowing complexion!

Apple Peel Powder is all-natural anti-oxidant is a supplement super-ingredient which supports your skin and body’s fight against free-radicals — a must have for all skin!

Cloves have been shown to have antimicrobial properties, meaning they can help stop the growth of microorganisms like bacteria and the compounds in cloves have been shown to help preserve bone mass. ~ Great for acne prone skin, and boosting strong bones.*

Maca Powder is loaded with important vitamins and minerals plus 20 amino acids — 8 of them essential ~ Supports hormones and memory.*

Ginger is full of antioxidants, promotes healthy aging processes. ~ Encourages healthy joints.*

Ceylon Cinnamon has anti-fungal, antioxidant and antibacterial properties that make it the perfect solution for acne-free skin. ~ Supports a healthier, balanced complexion and a healthy glow.*

Cardamom has been used for thousands of years to help with digestion.

Our Original Recipe is made with 100% all~natural ingredients, is pescatarian friendly, and easily digestibleso you can feel good while you drink goodness.

BONUS: FREE SuperPowder Recipes for Glowing Skin everyday!
We’ll send you delicious and easy ways to easily add SuperPowder to your daily nutrition!


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