Aliona Isacenco

Hi, my name is Aliona and I am super enthusiastic starting this journey and be a face yoga method teacher. I started this course while I was looking forward what I can do to look younger, feel better and grow my confidence. I really believe in this method and that it can change ones live by learning to be more aware about our posture and habits, breathing techniques and facial expressions. I will guide you to discover your beautiful face through identifying which parts of your face need more release or more work to do. For more efficiency I recommend that you start to focus first on one part of the face like for example forehead, cheeks, mouth, neck etc, but of course it is not mandatory. The poses I will teach you are easy to follow but works like magic, all it needs from you is consistency and desire to try and se changes. I am looking forward to see you glowing and feeling good.
Best regards and wishes/ Aliona

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