Susan Richter

I currently live in Pittsburgh, PA, and am the Mother of an engineer, a scientist, and three cats. I have always searched for what humans need in life to feel their best and to express themselves more authentically; once I learn something and test it out, I am driven to share it. Having been a dancer all of my life, I am deeply connected with the body and able to tell when it’s a little “off”, and have worked out many of the kinks in my own body and brain, so that now I feel better than ever. With every release there’s a little more nerve and blood flow, which results in more energy and a clearer mind. In Face Yoga, we release and then retrain the face muscles to correct unconscious expressions and facial movements that end up creating lines and wrinkles. Face Yoga is both fun and easy, and with a little dedication, you can often correct asymmetry, which leads to a brighter, more beautiful expression. I love the fact that we are helping to steer people away from medical procedures and fake fillers in order to take a more natural approach.

As a certified Face Yoga Method teacher, and with a degree in biology, I love learning about the anatomy of the face and facial expressions, and incorporate that into every teaching session. The skin is attached to the facial muscles, and we learn how bringing more oxygen to the cells through breathwork can result in a more lifted face and radiant skin. We can have a one-on-one experience, if you would like to focus on your exact needs, or you can be part of a class or workshop, either online or in person.

I am also a certified Chair Yoga instructor, and have had the privilege of teaching for over 10 years at a local senior living community. I adore my students and absolutely LOVE teaching…I am certified in reiki, as well, and have also been developing a self-taught hands-on healing ability through working on myself and my partner for the past 10 years. In addition, I always seek out nutrition and lifestyle ideas that effectively enhance our joy and good health, and am happy to share those when applicable, once I study and test them on myself.

Please join me for a session and let’s see where we can go!

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