What I Believe – The Story Of Fumiko Takatsu

Life is full of surprises, good ones, and bad ones too.

One thing I can guarantee is that there will be lots of ups and downs, because that’s life.

It is up to us to decide how we interpret these events, and how we learn from them and how we can apply these lessons to our life.

Aging does not need to be a stressful or ugly part of life. 

It happens to us all, with each moment we get older. Think of all the wisdom you gain from the moments in your life – all the tears and all the laughter – it’s all SO BEAUTIFUL!

Every experience is yours to hold onto and to benefit from.

Some events in my life have been in my control and others have not. But the way I think and handle a situation is all my own. 

For me, an almost fatal car accident over 15 years ago, really changed my life and the way I see things.

I could have died, right there on the spot, and I saw everything in slow motion. And when something this extreme happens to you, you can’t help but feel like I do – like I’ve been given a second chance, and an opportunity to live this life. 

In retrospect, my teacher’s experience and my interest in yoga, meditation and an organic natural lifestyle blended so perfectly into the creation of this Method. That incident of car accident really made me aware of my body alignment and the connection between body and face.

I apply all of my knowledge to everything I create in the Face Yoga Method Programs. And the best part is, I have so much passion and love for what I’m doin and without these experiences, I wouldn’t be doing what I’m doing now.

So, I feel so grateful for every single incident and thus, every single life lesson that has happened in my life.

When I was teaching in Japan, for example, I wasn’t really thinking that “Oh, I can apply this to my future and create something.” No.

I was just doing what I was destined to do to get me…here! 

I thought in my head and a car accident was just a car accident, but it turns out that was just an event that needed to happen in order to make me the teacher I am today. 

Each of my experiences gave me the knowledge and first hand learning I needed to make this program. And now, I can share it all with you! 

I named this program The Face Yoga Method because it’s about the whole practice, the breathing, the poses, the routines. Having all of this together gives you a great mind – body practice – a yoga. 

Nothing happens to us by accident, everything is for a reason. It’s up to us how we take it.

If you don’t like something, change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it. 

11 thoughts on “What I Believe – The Story Of Fumiko Takatsu”

  1. Macrina Ramos Fuentes

    Good day Ma’am.
    May i have the face yoga exercises for the lines on my jaw and between my eyebrows.
    Thank you

    1. Fumiko Takatsu

      Hi! Absolutely. Please see the Forehead Jumpstart and Neck and Jawline Jumpstart for these needs 🙂

  2. Inés María Basombrío

    Thanks so much, Fumiko. I´m trying to get into a routine during the following 20 days and, then, I will apply to the Jumpstart.

    I´m thankful for the last 5 Day Beauty Challenge. I would only ask you perhaps just to warn/notify, when the info is the same both in video and text, and when not. Cos that takes precious time.

    I generally prefer videos, but text is also welcome when you cannot make noise while others sleep. So, text is welcome, too! 🙂 (and some people are deaf, and need text the most). Just a small notification on top of email, to make sure we are not losing information when not going through either one or the other.

    Warm Regards

    Inés Basombrío.

  3. I am always curious about things and do know as a former medical person and always analog photographer along with lifelong elite swimmer that certain aspects of genetics, fair skin and Chlorine makes a mess of skin. Also, losing most of hearing at birth makes for using my face more than most. The most important thing is to keep it clean and to use sunscreen every day! I live in the PNW of Canada and although we get little sun, it is there. Your program outlines the need to be more aware of what we do everyday. I actually love seeing older faces and little makeup- most of the people I know never wear makeup but we are still gorgeous…!

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