A woman looking surprised.

Correct Neck Wrinkles & Sagging Jowls 100% Naturally

If we had a penny for every time we’ve been asked about neck wrinkles, sagging jowls, and a double chin…

The truth is, you’re not the only one concerned with and eager to tone your neck area. You’re also not the only one experiencing these signs of aging. The neck area is the one that most often shows the first signs of aging. However, it can also be the EASIEST one to tone! 

Fumiko Takatsu doing a Face yoga pose for the forehead wrinkles.

Come again?! 

Face Yogi; your confidence awaits on the other side of your commitment. At least through the end of this blog, stick with us for tips you can walk away with and apply for a smooth and toned neck! 


No matter your skin condition at this moment, there’s always something below the surface you can prevent! Prevention is the most essential, vital, and impactful tool for any stage of your skin Journey. That’s why we always start here! 

When it comes to neck wrinkles, saggy jowls, and a double chin — there is something you can do to prevent them from happening in the first place. If you’re someone who already has a double chin and neck wrinkles, you can prevent them from worsening.

Prevention goes hand in hand with awareness. Cultivating awareness around how you hold your head, your neck, and your shoulders throughout the day will give you insight into how you’re contributing to a double chin, neck wrinkles, and saggy jowls. Pay attention to how you sit at your desk, for example. Are you creating a double chin while you work? Are you creating neck creases by leaning your head to one side as you talk on the phone? These small habits go unnoticed in your day-to-day life, but over time they encourage your neck wrinkles. 

No matter where you are, start to catch yourself and correct the actions at the moment they’re happening!


A woman sleeping on a pillow.

Next to bringing awareness to your day-to-day small habits and patterns, re-evaluating your sleep position will have a significant impact on not only your neck but your entire face! A person sleeps an average of 8 hours, meaning that a third of your day is spent sleeping. That sleep is either helping your skin or directly working against it. 

Back sleepers, for example, can easily create a double chin if their head position makes their chin tilt forward. If you stay in this position for a duration of time, your neck will eventually create creases in that area. Even slide sleepers can impact their neck and often contribute to uneven wrinkles depending on the side you most often sleep on.

Sleep is one of the most critical aspects of your health! So should you compromise sleep for neck wrinkles? No! But who’s to say you have to choose one over the other?

A good pillow will be one of the best investments you make for both your sleep and the youthfulness of your neck!

Check out our favorite pillows for every Face Yogi! 

Tip #3 — Face Yoga! 

Fumiko Takatsu looking up towards her right side, while pursing her lips.

The best way to approach your neck wrinkles and sagging jowls is Face Yoga!

Face Yoga tones, tightens, and shapes your face and neck muscles 100% naturally and effectively. The extra skin around your neck directly results from your muscles loosening and losing volume over time. Rebuilding the volume in the muscles will then also naturally tighten the skin. It’s that simple!

We’ve combined our TOP performing Face Yoga Exercises, specifically for the neck area, into a downloadable step-by-step guide you can access for FREE!

Combine awareness and prevention with this Free Booklet for an instant and natural neck wrinkles treatment!

5 thoughts on “Correct Neck Wrinkles & Sagging Jowls 100% Naturally”

  1. Thank you so much for this post. Times are so hard for us all. To get a gift of working on yourself to help you feel better about how you look under that mask is so special. God bless you and keep you safe ❤️


    My problem is my eye bags. Even I have enough sleep, it is still there. Is there a solution you can advice aside from cucumber, potato and sleep? Thank you very much.

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