Reduce Frown Lines With This Face Yoga Method Pose

Frown lines, often referred to as 11 lines, are mostly caused due to our frequent expression in the forehead area. Bad habits such as subconscious frowning and squinting also greatly cause frown lines to form in the first place. 

Consistent frowning whether while thinking, feel upset, or just as a subconscious action, causes frown lines to form, develop, and stay. In addition, squinting of the eyes also contributes and this is why we always recommend wearing sunglasses in the sun, and even more so being aware of these aging habits you can easily correct with a little practice and mindfulness.

Facial exercises minimize the appearance of these stubborn creases by toning and strengthening the forehead area muscles. By training these muscles, they become smoother and stronger, just like the muscles of our body when we exercise. With Face Yoga, you can reduce frown lines, say goodbye to invasive cosmetic procedures, and feel confident naturally. 

Face Yoga is an easy and effective solution and we have seen thousands of successful Yogis stop the surgical treatments of their faces as they take on the natural practice of Face Yoga as a way to reduce the lower forehead wrinkles. 

Frown Lines Before And After Face Yoga

Treatment For Forehead Wrinkles

“The Forehead Lift (With Body)™” is a great exercise to promote circulation in your face for a better complexion. It also lifts the forehead, minimizes and smoothes out frown lines. 

The Forehead Lift (With Body) Pose - Step 1
Forehead Lift Exercise With Body – Step 1
The Forehead Lift (With Body) Pose - Step 2
Forehead Lift Exercise With Body – Step 2

Here is how to do the exercise step by step:

  1. Place your fingertips along your forehead
  2. Apply firm pressure and push your fingers upward
  3. Relax your shoulders and neck
  4. Tilt your face downward parallel to the floor and feel the blood flowing to your face
  5. Keep breathing 
  6. Hold this pose for 10 seconds 
  7. Repeat 1 more set

For even more exercises for the forehead area click the button below to download your FREE Routine! 

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