Your 3-Minute Under-Eye Pick-Me-Up

The skin under our eyes is veryyy delicate, and as we get older, achieving that refreshed, well-rested look becomes more of a challenge.

Whether it’s the late-night Netflix binges, early morning alarm snoozes, or just the lovely side effects of adulting, puffy under-eyes are a universal struggle.

But hold onto your hope – this isn’t a life sentence. In just 3 short minutes (alright, maybe a tad more if you’re just starting out), you can turn those puffy eyes into refreshed ones, ready to take on the day. ✨

But before jumping into the eye bags exercises, let’s talk about the usual culprits… 

  • Lack of sleep: We all know the drill – skimping on 💤 leads to fluid retention, and guess where that fluid likes to accumulate? Yep, right under those delicate eyes.
  • Salty snacks: Sodium is a sneaky water magnet, so indulging in a bag of chips or a plate of fries before bed can lead to morning puffiness.
  • Allergies: Itchy, watery eyes might not be the only giveaway of an allergy attack. Histamine, released during an allergic response, can also cause inflammation and puffiness.
  • Crying spell: Whether it’s tears of joy or sadness, crying can trigger fluid buildup around the eyes, leaving them looking swollen and puffy.
  • Aging: As we age, the skin around our eyes loses elasticity, making it more prone to puffiness.

Now you know why you wake up with the eyes of someone who just watched a bunch of sad dog movies… 🐶

I’ve got a few exercises for the under eye that might help – especially if you don’t have much time and are always in a rush! ⏰ 

After years of practice and research, we’ve narrowed down a handful of simple yet effective solutions for under-eye bags. Give these a shot, and you might see results right away!

One of them is a 3-minute ritual that reawakens your eyes and leaves you feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day. ☀️

The best part? These exercises for the under eye can be done while your morning coffee brews – multitasking at its finest! 🤌

1. Starting with the easiest thing you can do – Tapping around your eyes!

    Tapping is one of the simplest eye bags exercises to stimulate blood flow to your eye area, which helps reduce puffiness and drain the excess fluid. 

    It’s like a mini lymphatic draining massage but for the eyes. 

    Plus, it’s a great way to wake up those sleepy eye muscles, leaving you feeling more awake and focused. 

    ✨How to Tap Your Way to Well-Rested Eyes:

    • Gather your tools: All you need are your lovely fingertips! 
    • Get comfy: Sit or stand in a relaxed position.
    • Tap time: Using your index and middle fingers, gently tap in small circles around your eyes, starting at the inner corner and working your way outwards.
    • Lighten up: Keep your touch soft and avoid any harsh pressing.
    • Repeat for the win: Aim for 30 seconds to a minute.
    • Bonus Tip: You can even tap over your makeup during the day for a midday pick-me-up! No one will know your little secret to radiant eyes. 🤫

    PRO TIP: Tapping helps, but cutting back on processed foods is a double win for reducing fluid retention.

    2. The Eye Bag Toner 👀

      Here’s the second-best thing you can do for instant results ⤵

      In this eye bags exercises video, you’ll discover a gentle technique that boosts circulation and drains away the fluid build-up.

      It’s called the Eye Bag Toner. This is one of the most effective eye bags exercises for instant results. 

        3. The Eye Flex 🕶️

        Yes, you flex those gorgeous eyes of yours! It’s awesome because you don’t even need your hands! 

        You just use your eye muscles, and if you add in your fingers, that’s even better. 

        It helps strengthen those eye muscles and reduce the look of crow’s feet. Plus, it stops you from squinting too much. 

        Woman doing the face yoga pose for the eye bags

        Here’s how you do it. ⤵

        • Place those middle and index fingers right at the outer corners of your eyes. 
        • Give ’em a little spread, just a touch, and gently pull them at a 45-degree angle towards the back of your head until your eyes are in a squint.  
        • Now, find something in the distance to focus on, like your favorite poster or that tree outside your window. 🌲
        • Squint those eyes and hold that focus for a solid 5 seconds. 
        • Come out and relax.
        • Repeat 2 more sets. 

        Bonus HACK for reducing eye bags!

        My fave – 🧊! Ice cubes are literally a miracle cure! 

        I do this once in the morning, and my eyes remain fresh all day long! ⬇

        Now tell me, did these tips help? Let me know in the comments below because I ♥ ️ hearing from you! 

        6 thoughts on “Your 3-Minute Under-Eye Pick-Me-Up”

        1. Hi, I appreciate your business!
          I have watched your video and I have a question about hot water.
          Which temperature do we use for drinking hot water?
          Does it work with boiled water or hot water at 70-80 degrees?
          Thanks a lot!

        2. You must have read my mind. I’m thinking about doing exercises for my eyes when I received your email. I am delighted and will be practising the exercises you have shown. thank you

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