The #1 Reason Why You’re Not Living Your Dream Life 

Forget blaming the economy, your boss, or even the stars. 

While outside factors do play a role, the BIGGEST obstacle often hides within.

It’s this ONE thought that keeps playing in your head (on repeat).

So, what’s the thought? The classic → “What would ‘they’ think of me?

But let’s pause for a sec – WHO are ‘they‘ really? 

Where do they come from, and why do they have such power over YOU?

The real truth behind this thought is → what you believe others think about you is what you believe about yourself. It’s that simple.

It’s like your subconscious shining a light on your inner conflicts, nudging you to address them.

I mean, If we could actually read minds, we’d be swimming in more cash than Bill Gates, knowing all the right moves to make. 👀

So, by understanding the root of those fears and confronting your internal conflicts head-on, you can get back your POWER and finally do the things you really want in life. 🌱

Because the truth is that you have FULL control over your life. 

You see, I had always been the type to stick to the rules.

Ticking off society’s checkboxes – education, stable job, respect. But something deep down told me that I was made for MORE.

Doing “everything right” hadn’t translated to happiness, as I’d thought. 

I knew that I LOVED Face Yoga and wanted to do something of my OWN and SHARE that passion with the world. 

The ONLY thought that blocked my path was, “What will they think of me”? 🤔

But then came the car accident – a near brush with death + a stark reminder that life is fleeting and oh-so-precious and that I needed to start living it on my own terms.

But breaking free from my fears was the HARDEST battle I fought. Even harder than recovering from the accident. 

Leaving behind a secure career and the comfort of familiarity felt like risking everything.

My entire identity was at stake. I was gonna lose a part of me that always felt safe.

I remember the sleepless nights and endless questioning…

What if I failed? 

What if I was making the biggest mistake of my life? 

What if ‘they’ reject me?

But amidst the internal chaos, there was someone who stood with me through it all and encouraged me (with all her might) to follow my heart: Maria (my sister-in-law and co-founder of the Face Yoga Method).

So, with a deep breath and trembling hands, I said, “Enough.” 

Enough of playing small. Enough of living on autopilot. Enough of letting fear dictate my life. 

It was time to chase my dreams, no matter how crazy they may seem.

In 2012, Maria and I officially launched the Face Yoga Method.

And you know what? It was the best decision I ever made.

Sure, there were setbacks along the way – moments when I felt like throwing in the towel and crawling back into my comfort zone. 

But I was sooo ready to choose a path aligned with my heart, the one actually delivering on the promises of fulfillment.

This was MY TIME to finally do something for myself. 

Which is why I always say acceptance literally comes from within

Once I embraced my dreams and desires (and the success waiting for me at the end of the road) – NOTHING could stop me.

Each obstacle only fueled my determination, and seeing the transformative results on others solidified my belief in what we were doing.

Seeing the joy on their faces and the newfound confidence radiating from their smiles brought so much peace to my soul. 🥹

Today, I’m no longer just the woman making ‘funny faces’ online. I’m the founder of a multi-million dollar business, the Face Yoga Method, empowering individuals worldwide.

You see, the thing about fear is it has absolutely NO power of its own. Nada. Zilch. Except the power you choose to give it.

To put things into perspective, imagine fear as your noisy neighbor constantly complaining about your dreams. 

He constantly criticizes your ideas, scrutinizes your every move, and predicts nothing but failure. 

Would you let him dictate your life? Probably not. You’d probably tell him to mind his own business (and get a life).

So why do we treat fear differently? 

Why do we hand over the reins of our happiness and let it steer us toward stagnation? It’s time to silence the noisy neighbor and realize that fear is nothing more than a mere illusion.

I’d be lying if I said my fears disappeared entirely…they didn’t. But they no longer held me hostage. 

My inner voice, the one I finally learned to listen to, guides me on a path aligned with my purpose and passion.

The next time fear tries to hold you back, remember this:

  • You are braver than you believe. Fear feeds on self-doubt, so counter it with self-belief. Remind yourself of your strengths, your past successes, and the fire that burns within you.
  • Fear thrives in the shadows. Drag it into the light. Analyze its claims, question its validity, and expose its lack of substance. Surround yourself with supportive people who uplift you and believe in your potential.
  • Action is the antidote to fear. Don’t let it paralyze you. Take one small step forward, then another, and watch how fear shrinks as your confidence grows.

Choose courage. Choose action. Choose to chase your dreams, unafraid and unstoppable. 

And always remember, the only approval that truly matters is your OWN. 

Speaking of fears – my graduates are gonna open up about the toughest insecurities they dealt with when they decided to join the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course and how they rose above them all to build successful, thriving businesses.

Businesses that gave them more freedom, income, and purpose than ever before. 

Want in? Click here to register for the event (it’s FREE and packed with powerful stories that will change you).

Who knows, maybe someday you’ll be paying it forward, mentoring others just like them after finding success in your own journey and getting EVERYTHING you’ve wanted in life. 😉

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