This Mom-To-Be Was Held Captive By Her Past – Until Face Yoga Set Her Free

If you’ve ever found yourself feeling trapped or helpless at one point in your life, you might think that the road to freeing yourself from the cross that you’re carrying is impossible.

But, the story of this Teacher Certification Graduate who was able to rise above life’s adversities proves that breaking free from the burdens we carry is not only possible – but also within our reach.

Simona Rydlová, a soon-to-be mom and Editor-In-Chief of a beauty magazine, was plagued with her failing marriage and the relentless demands of her career before she discovered Face Yoga.

Before becoming a Certified Face Yoga Teacher, she felt suffocated by her failing relationship with her husband.

She put her needs aside to save her marriage, but it wasn’t enough.

Soon, she found herself carrying the weight of her inevitable divorce – all while preparing for the arrival of her soon-to-be child.

Her high hopes and anticipation for her new life as a mom were replaced with the uncertainties of single motherhood and raising a child alone.

And, as if the burden wasn’t already crushing, she had to endure being the target of different anti-aging propaganda every time she sat at her desk as the Editor-In-Chief of a renowned beauty magazine in her home country.

Every day, she was surrounded by the pressure of succumbing to cosmetic treatments like laser surgery, Botox, and other temporary aesthetic fixes, as many people in the industry saw it as her duty to appear ageless.

Behind pages of the perfect images she painted in magazines, a gnawing sense of guilt began to infiltrate her.

As time went by, she couldn’t help but feel responsible in perpetuating the very unrealistic expectations that weighed heavily on women’s shoulders.

However, destiny had something extraordinary in store for Simona.

During her maternity leave, she stumbled upon a life-changing discovery — Face Yoga!

Simona was attending a local leadership seminar when the opportunity came knocking on her door.

A Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course graduate was invited to talk, and she was opened up to the possibility of a career that will allow her not only to break free from the beauty industry’s unrealistic expectations, but would also let her work on her own terms as she adjusts to her new life as a mom.

It was her ticket to a completely new life!

Without second thoughts, Simona jumped right into it. She enrolled in the 100-hour Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course and got accepted!

Simona had been practicing yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda on the side for over 15 years, and the prospect of learning Face Yoga felt like a natural and exciting development on her personal path.

She has been working with women in the last decade, so getting Certified to become a Face Yoga Teacher naturally felt like the next step in her career.

As Simona went through the Course, she was amazed at how easy it was to progress through the Modules and apply the marketing blueprints.

“The Course is well organized”, she said.

“It’s not just teaching you the Poses, it’s getting you ready for life.”

And what better way to get ready for her new life as a mom than with a Teacher Certification Course that could provide all the tools and knowledge needed so she could come out with a successful career in teaching?

“Fumiko and her team have it all sorted from the very beginning to the very end – building your own Facebook page, and webpage.
They help you with marketing, and how to deal with your customers, and how to deal with any problems that may come.”

For Simona, the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course was a one-stop shop that gave her EVERYTHING she needed to start a new life path and break free from the weights that were pulling her down.

As Simona embarked on her transformative Journey, a remarkable change began to unfold, and her face became a reflection of what was taking place within her.

The impact of her transformation was undeniable.

When her sister saw her a few weeks after doing Face Yoga, she said it was as if Simona wasn’t going through a divorce!

Simona Ridlova - before and after face yoga

Having successfully completed the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course, Simona emerged fully equipped with the essential tools to embark on her new venture.

She began teaching regular Face Yoga classes at various studios, sharing her expertise and empowering others to unlock the potential of their own faces.

It wasn’t long before her talent and dedication caught the attention of another yoga studio, who eagerly invited her to extend her teachings to their clientele as well!

“I held over 10 weekend workshops, from 2 to 5 hours long. Everyone was so excited!
They have so many questions, and they never want to leave!”

A group of women sitting on yoga mats in a yoga studio

Soon, Simona’s remarkable journey as a Face Yoga Teacher caught the attention of numerous esteemed magazines, including Esquire and Elle.

She was sought after for interviews and featured prominently in various publications, becoming a recognized authority in the realm of Face Yoga.

Face Yoga teacher featured in magazine, showing face yoga exercises

Looking back, Simona had nothing but pure and deep appreciation for Fumiko and the whole Face Yoga team for allowing her to spread her wings and leave behind everything that was pulling her down in life.

After being able to conduct multiple workshops, start her own Face Yoga teaching business, and get featured in multiple media outlets, Simona’s career had finally come full circle.

Her haunting past and the unrealistic expectations of her career which pushed her to reroute her life is now behind her shadows, thanks to the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course.

And the best part? The Teacher Certification Course gave her the freedom to work on her own schedule, all while being a full-time mom!

Without a doubt, the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course inspired her to rebuild her life after divorce, to nurture her inner beauty, and to prepare for the profound journey of motherhood.

Simona’s story is a testament to the transformative power of Face Yoga.

It’s proof that even in the darkest of times, we possess the strength to rise, to embrace our true essence, and to reclaim our freedom.

So, if you find yourself longing to break free from the chains that bind you, know that the Face Yoga Teacher Certification Course can be your guiding light—a beacon of hope leading you toward a life of liberation, empowerment, and limitless possibilities.

My business partner Maria and I are hosting a FREE Info Session to reveal ALL the tools, roadmap, and practical advice you need to make it BIG as a Face Yoga Teacher in 2024.

Learn the exact steps Simona and several other Face Yoga Certified Teachers took to build their dream lives.

You can keep up with Face Yoga Simona on her website and follow her on Instagram here!

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