Sleep Your Way to Younger Skin! The BEST Pro-Aging Sleeping Position

The simple, straightforward answer is – you guessed it right sleeping on your back.

I know what you’re thinking.

Is this information really that important? 

And exactly how to sleep on your back? 🤔

First things first – YES it’s important, because (let me throw in a fun fact) we spend a THIRD of our lives sleeping!

Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could use that time to actually benefit our skin? 

Now, coming back to your second question → how to sleep on your back…it’s as simple as lying straight on your back – nothing fancy. 

But if you’re feeling pressure on your spine, placing a pillow underneath your knees will help.

Make sure your head is not over-elevated. It’s always best to sleep with one pillow under your head. 

Think of it like this: imagine your face as a delicate sheet of paper. If you keep crumpling it up, eventually those creases become permanent, right?   

Sleeping on your stomach or side can smoosh your face against the pillow all night, putting pressure on your skin and those precious collagen fibers. 

A woman is sleeping on her side, pressing her face against the pillow, causing lines and wrinkles to form.

Over time, this leads to permanent creasing and even facial asymmetry.

But when you sleep on your back, gravity pulls your face evenly, everything is distributed uniformly without any forces pulling it in different directions, like right or left.

So, if you’re doing all the right Routines and everything else you can but still seeing the lines and wrinkles getting deeper, your sleeping habits might be the hidden culprit.

And that’s why I always say these little things add up to create BIG results.

Another MAJOR thing we don’t pay much attention to is getting a proper, full night’s sleep.

A study from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine in 2013 showed that not getting enough sleep can lead to droopy eyelids, dark circles under the eyes, puffy eyes, more wrinkles or lines, and sagging corners around the mouth.

Without sufficient sleep, our immune system becomes weak, affecting the quality and strength of collagen – the glue that holds our skin together and keeps us looking plump and fresh!

So, getting a 7 to 8 hour sleep every night is SUPER important. Also, because collagen production peaks WHILE you sleep.

I know that a looot of my Face Yogis find it difficult to sleep on their backs, and even if they manage to do so, there is no guarantee they’ll remain that way throughout the night.

We’re already dealing with a lot of things, and ‘how to sleep on your back’ shouldn’t be one of them! 

So, here’s a detailed video explaining EVERYTHING.

And if you just can’t get comfortable unless you’re sleeping on your side, I’ve got some seriously cozy tips for you inside. ⤵

14 thoughts on “Sleep Your Way to Younger Skin! The BEST Pro-Aging Sleeping Position”

  1. Thanks for this post and all the work you do. I’ve tried for sometime sleeping on my back without success. I’ll try the pillow to see if it helps because for much yoga face exercises that I do, the wrinkles in my eyes and cheek come back due to the pillow. You’re an angel!

  2. Hi! My head, jaws, neck and shoulders all pain so much all the time. Jaws are so tight and pressured that sometimes speaking makes my mouth tired. I take a pillow and start sleeping on my back but after a while I think I either turn on my sides or am on my belly.

    1. Fumiko Takatsu

      Hi Smita! Have you tried using a pillow that’s specially designed for sleeping on your back? It’s a game-changer. Placing a pillow under your knees can also help ease pressure on your lower back and improve alignment.

  3. Hi Fumiko my cheeks are sagging and I am having malar bags please how can I lift it. I need your counsel thank you.

    1. Hi Victoria! Have you checked our section for the cheeck area? You’ll find a lot of helpful exerscises there!

  4. Lorna Sullivan

    This video shows how to sleep if you can’t sleep on your back which is great. When I have to lay on my side, I don’t use a large pillow to put my leg on but instead if laying on my left side, I bend my knees a little and place my right knee behind my left knee. By doing this, it makes my body tilt back slightly so I turn slightly to the right keeping my face from squishing into my towel-pillow.

  5. Lorna Sullivan

    As a child sleeping on my back was my favorite position. Then as I got older I started sleeping on my side snuggling all night long with my husband; later still, because of sciatica and other health conditions. After having my daughter my back pain disappeared and occurred several years later. I then worked on postural exercises and body alignment and no longer had back issues. I got rid of my pillow about 5 years ago which got rid of all neck pain and sleeping on my back helped so much. Due to not being able to afford supplies, I have to make do with what I already have though I would love to be able to purchase your product. I use a bath sheet folded to fit in a queen size pillow case. When I get in bed, I drape this so it covers my head like a hood. It doesn’t create any wrinkles. This towel-pillow helps block any light in the room making it darker and making it easier to go to sleep quickly. I then tuck my sheets and blankets around my shoulders which holds the towel-pillow in place. I bend my knees a little to the sides and place my heels together which is part of the laying goddess yoga pose. I place my hands palm down on my lower abdomen with index fingers touching and all fingers spread wide to allow the flow of qi. The index fingers and thumbs form a diamond shape. I stay in this position all night long. I hope this helps my fellow Face Yoga Method sisters.

  6. Lorna MacIntyre

    I’d like to hear from people who’ve used the special pillows whether that has helped them stay sleeping on their backs.

  7. Claudia Echavarria

    Hi. I am a side sleeper but I have tried to learn to skeep on my back, but when I sleep on my back, my mouth opens and I end breathing throughout my mouth.

    1. Fumiko Takatsu

      Hi Claudia! We suggest gently toning your muscles, bringing them into the correct position, and training them to work properly. There are many exercises for the mouth, neck and jawline you can practice, depending on which program(s) you have joined. Another tip would be to train the tongue. The tongue should be up on the roof of the mouth completely, without clenching the teeth, they should barely touch. This is a lerning process and takes time, but it’s worth it!

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