3 Skin Care Challenges We All Face

Ever wish you had a magic playbook to follow when life throws you challenges? 

I definitely have!

I’ve faced three significant skin care challenges in my life where I had to “trial-and-error” my way to success.

The first was in my adolescence when I had acne, and what I thought was overactive oily skin. I was self-conscious of my skin’s condition and would cover up with makeup and hide under hats all of the time.

Fumiko Takatsu at the age of 33 vs. the age of 51

Not knowing any better, I turned to oil-free products, thinking these were right for my oily skin. Then, when I still saw breakouts, I used them more and more often throughout the day until I was a slave to my skin care. I would wash in the morning with oil-free soap, blot my skin with oil-absorbing sheets throughout the day, and cleanse again at night with the same cleanser.

This routine turned out to be one of the biggest skin care mistakes I could make! 

You see, it was both my routine and my products that were making my acne worse. I was continually stripping away all the oil from my skin, and in return, my skin was over-producing oil to compensate. 

So, I dropped the oil-free products, simplified my skin care down to just the basics, and started making simple changes to my nutrition. It took a couple of weeks for my skin to balance out, but when it did, it was better than ever and my acne started to clear. 

But this wasn’t the last time my skin would give me challenges…

Just when I thought I had my skin care under control — my 30’s came along.

Fumiko Takatsu's after accident face compared to perfect symmetry lines.
Fumiko Takatsu after the accident

Now, if you’re over 30, you’ll know this story quite well. Suddenly, as if overnight, my face felt like it was falling. 

I would look in the mirror, tugging at my cheeks, try to lift and press the corners of my eyes, hoping by some magic they would stay like that. My face was starting to age faster than I was. 

Inside, I felt young and vibrant and healthy — but when I’d look in the mirror, I saw a face that looked troubled, older, and dull.

I again turned to anti-aging serums that just didn’t work. 

No matter how many different serums I tried, my skin didn’t look any better! I was frustrated and decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. 

I dove deep into understanding the anatomy of the face. This led me to Face Yoga and how addressing our problems beneath the skin’s surface was the only natural solution to tone my droopy face and regain my confidence. 

Fumiko Takatsu teaching Face Yoga in Japan

I realized it wasn’t enough to nurture my skin just from the outside, but I had to address it from the root of the problem and change it from the inside. 

By strengthening the muscles beneath my skin’s surface, I was able to lift my cheeks, tone my neck, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, and increase blood circulation that resulted in a radiant and healthy glow! 

Fumiko Takatsu with face paint demonstrating facial muscles anatomy

A couple of years ago, my skin changed again. I took a last-minute trip to Japan to visit my father, who was ill. The travel and sudden change in climate did a number on my skin. It felt tight, dry, and sensitive to this new climate. 

My environment changed, and so did the needs of my skin. But thankfully, I knew just what to do to get my skin back to dewy and delicious in less than a day!

And then it hit me.

We all need a guide. Something that can help us through the evolution and constant changes in our skin. We know we need to adjust our habits when our lifestyle changes, but how do we know we are doing it all right?

Imagine having the knowledge, tools, and resources you need to understand your skin. 

It’s time to change the way we see aging, time to truly understand what products and methods will really deliver results, and what’s worthy of a place in your life. 

If you’ve ever felt confused, lost, less-than, or diminished for the lines on your skin or that your beauty is hidden inside, we want to free you from that trap.  

That’s why we’re launching a FREE 5 DAY SKIN CARE CHALLENGE to empower your beauty with the tools and information you need to make empowered decisions about your skin care. 

I wish there’d been something like this to show me EXACTLY how to treat my own PERSONAL skin symptoms.

I’m saving you from the struggle of hours on Google, searching through reviews of skin care products, or hundreds of dollars on skin care that doesn’t do what you expect.

Unlock the secrets of empowered beauty now. 

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