Face Yoga Exercises for Nasolabial Folds

Nasolabial folds are the indented lines that stretch from both corners of the mouth to the nose. These folds are also called laugh lines because they get more visible when people smile. Besides, they deepen with age. If you have noticed nasolabial lines on your face and want to get rid of them, the best natural treatment is facial exercises.

Here are just a couple of posts from this category where you can find great exercises and tips for solving the nasolabial folds problem:
– The Minimalist’s Guide to A Younger Looking Face – Nasolabial Fold Treatment
– How to Get Rid of Nasolabial Folds With Face Yoga
– How To Diminish Nasolabial Folds

So, what are you waiting for?! Start your practice today!

Fumiko Takatsu doing a Face Yoga exercise for nasolabial folds.

Do Facial Exercises Cause Wrinkles?

This blog post is little bit different from other blog posts I usually write.  I want to address a myth I often hear in regards to face yoga and give you the answer to the burning question: Do facial exercises cause wrinkles? Some people say that moving the facial muscles and doing facial exercises cause […]

Do Facial Exercises Cause Wrinkles? Read More »

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