Fumiko Takatsu in a sitting yoga pose.

The Daily Ritual That Changed My Life

It’s no surprise that the most successful people in the world ALL have one thing in common — A MORNING ROUTINE! 

Fads come and go, but morning routines are here to stay. We’ve witnessed our own lives change with a simple morning routine, and we continue to see this power through our Face Yogis as well. 

A morning routine is capable of shaking off whatever’s in the way while setting you up for a successful day ahead. I swear by it! 

In short: I’m about to share my morning habits that empower me to have a fulfilling day!

The 5 AM Club

If you’re not a natural morning person, you might cringe at the sight of 5 AM! But before you spin off into your own limiting beliefs, let us just say, early rising can be something you work your way into. We’ve seen it done before, we’ve done it, and you can do it too. 

Why would you want to?

“Winning starts at your beginning. And your first hours are where the great heroes are made. Own your mornings and you’ll master your life”  ~ Robin Sharma

Robin Sharma? Oh, we’re fans! My life changed with the 5 AM Club, and I want it for you too!

The people who wake up early get most of their tasks done while the rest of the world is not even awake. This means that just by waking up a few hours earlier, you’re setting yourself up for ultimate success and more hours than the average person has. 

We’ve all wished for more hours in the day. The truth is, we all have them. We just don’t always take advantage of them. 

My 5 AM Routine allows me the time, space, and freedom to…

  • meditate
  • do yoga
  • do my Morning Face Yoga Method Routine
  • drink hot water
  • take care of my skin
  • align my mental and physical wellbeing 

ALL while the rest of my family is still asleep. By the time they’re awake, I’m already nourished and prepared to dedicate time to them, work, and other tasks. 

Woman sitting and smiling in bed after waking up

Morning Routine — What To Keep In Mind

Say that you’re a 5 AM riser, something to keep in mind is lights! Ideally, you want to sync your body with the natural circadian rhythm. Your body is meant to be in alignment with this rhythm and functions it’s best when it is. Therefore, upon rising, don’t go on switching every light in the house but try to replicate the natural light as much as possible. If you need small night lights around the house, it might be worth the investment. With time, brushing your teeth in the dark will be normal. For me it is! 

One common habit to DEFINITELY avoid is grabbing your phone first thing in the morning! This is a big NO-NO! Not only because you’re programming your mind with chatter as soon as you wake up, but also because the light from the phone messes with the natural circadian rhythm mentioned earlier. 

Creating a healthy habit, such as drinking hot water in my case, is really helpful. This allows you to wake up, refresh yourself, and curb cravings for coffee or sugary foods first thing in the morning. 

Meditation As Part Of Your Practice

A calm mind is where resilience is born. 
A calm mind is where clear decisions are made. 
A calm mind is where your life changes. 

Imagine starting every single day with a calm mind cultivated by the simple act of stillness. Most of us will argue that “there’s no time.” Sometimes we’ll look at the people who seem to have the time as “lucky.” The truth is, they’re not lucky, they just decided to do it, and are in it “no matter what.” They decided that their wellbeing is not dependent on “as long as…” but instead it’s a “no matter what.”

The difference? Mindset!

My morning meditation is on average 20 minutes long. Sometimes longer, sometimes less. But no matter what, I devote myself to the practice even if it’s just 5 minutes. According to research conducted, Americans spend between 5-6 hours on their phones DAILY. Sorry, not buying the time excuse! 

Even 5 minutes of meditation a day will significantly impact your mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Meditation doesn’t just benefit you, but it ripples into your family, your friends, and the collective. It takes time to establish a habit, and once it’s there, it’ll be second nature. Start now and watch your life change.

Woman meditating on bed

Morning Inspirational Reading

If you’ve been in our world for a while, you know that the Face Yoga Method inspires women all over the world to be better versions of themselves. But I am also consistently striving to be a better version of myself too. One of my strongest tools for everything I do is the mindset. This is why I take about 20 minutes every morning to read a book that’ll shift my mindset into one I can navigate and be proud of. One of my favorite morning reads is, you guessed it, Robin Sharma, The Mastery Manual.

Instead of reacting to the messages and emails that have crowded your inbox and your SMS messages, think of the benefits your mind will experience from submerging into motivation that’ll carry you through your entire day. We’re all about it! 

The Benefits Of Moving The Body

Moving your body in the morning wakes up you, your muscles, and activates your internal organs. Moving in the morning will boost your metabolism and set you up for the entire day. You’re likely to feel more energized, focused, and more relaxed since your body releases stress through movement. 

Woman doing handstand yoga pose on a yoga mat outside, besides the pool

The 3 Things To Change Your Life

Meditation, reading, and body exercise are the three things we recommend you implement into your morning routine. If you don’t have 20 minutes for each, start with five. That means in 15 minutes alone, you can start to change your morning, your day, your month, your year, your life. 

“When you change your day, you change your week. When you change your week, you change your month. When you change your month, you change your year. When you change your year, you change your life.” ~Fumiko Takatsu

8 thoughts on “The Daily Ritual That Changed My Life”

  1. Hello, I bought your yoga class online a couple of years ago. I stored it on my kindle fire. Unfortunately I took my kindle on a picnic with me and I fell into the river with my kindle and phone. Both obviously don’t work now. I wonder if you could look me up, same name, same email address and could you send me the course again please That would’ve wonderful. My darling husband is now in nursing care and my face is in desperate need of help. Sincerely Barbara Simpson Birks

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