Face Yoga Exercises for the Eye Area

The most common complaints among men and women related to the eye area are usually about different wrinkles and lines under the eyes, such as crow’s feet, heavy lids, 11 lines, and eye bags. Eye exercises are one of the most important and most popular exercises in my Face Yoga practice, and here you can find all my favorite eye area poses that you can practice at home starting today! 

There is a huge selection of overpriced, branded eye creams, tapes, and rollers on the market, which you have probably noticed by now. But don’t let them trick you! The truth is that the eye area is very delicate and sensitive, and it is almost impossible to treat it topically.

The great news is that correcting them with facial exercises and Face Yoga is pretty easy, simple, and POSSIBLE!

Below is the list of some of my popular eye exercises blogs! In this category, you can find more posts like these:

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