6 Face Yoga Method Tips For A Slimmer Face

Do you want to show up in the world as the best version of yourself?
Of course you do — we all do! 
And chances are, you’ve worked really hard to get your body and mind in the best shape you can at some point in your life. But, the hard reality is, even if your body is in good shape, a chubby face might be lingering and hindering your confidence.
If you’re trying to get a slimmer face, you’re in the right place. Here are our top 6 Face Yogi Favorites to help you get there faster!

1. Drink hot water

Water keeps us hydrated and gives us a fresh, youthful, and young-looking face. It’s such a simple secret but so overlooked!

Growing up in Japan, drinking hot water was always a part of my lifestyle. Plain hot water is called “sayu” and the benefits are so great that it’s my number one recommended tip

Fumiko smiling and pouring hot water into mug

Drinking hot water is good for not only getting a slimmer face but for your body and even your spirit: 

  • It’s a great pick-me-up drink that makes you feel instantly energized. 
  • It’s the best way to stay hydrated for healthy, smooth and wrinkle-free skin. 
  • It cleanses you from the inside out, giving your skin a natural glow!
  • And it really speeds up your metabolism! This means that it can even help you lose unwanted weight faster, to get a slim face!

2. Eat more vegetables

Adding fresh fruits and vegetables can help to reduce face fat!  

Vegetables add essential vitamins and minerals to our nutrition, loaded with fibers and juices that can keep us hydrated and nourished. I love how healthy and happy my body feels when I eat more vegetables, and I can definitely see it reflected on my skin. 

If adding greens to your meals has been challenging for you, why not try something different?

You could replace your lunch with a salad, or even your breakfast with a fruit and vegetable smoothie!

My secret to eating more fruits and vegetables is drinking them.

This reduces puffiness and gives my face an overall healthy glow! 

Every morning I like to make this fresh fruit and veggie juice. I drink it while it’s super fresh and get all the nutrients I need. It’s the first thing I drink on an empty stomach, right after my cup of hot water! After that, I allow 20 minutes for a burst of easy-to-digest vitamins and minerals to go straight to my bloodstream.

Fumiko sticking tongue out and holding orange halves in front of her face

3. Cut out processed foods and sugar

Pssst…If you can’t pronounce it, it’s probably not good for you! 

Have you ever heard the phrase, “you are what you eat”? Our bodies are just a representation of what is happening on the inside. Over time, not paying attention to your food choices can take a toll on your face. 

Processed foods and sugar are of poor nutritional quality and are actually linked to weight gain. This is because you eat way more of them than you should to feel satiated.  

Aside from weight gain, processed foods can cause inflammation and water retention. They also lead to breakouts and dim the natural glow of your skin! This looks like age spots, wrinkles and sagging on your face.

Making better choices by replacing processed foods with whole foods is key to getting that slimmer look. With a nutritional lifestyle full of omega-3 fatty acids, lean proteins, and whole grains, you’ll stay full longer, get more satisfaction with every meal, and feel amazing!

4. Move your body!

Working out is great for your body, and it’s great for your face too! Facial exercises like face yoga can get you amazing results thanks to increased muscle tone and definition. Luckily, just like you can slim down and tone your body with yoga, the same is true for your face! 

Recent studies show that just 20 minutes of Face Yoga a day can tone the entire face and neck, losing the appearance of extra fat. Face Yoga can even help you get a slimmer face by reducing puffiness. 

If you’ve been wondering how to get a slimmer face without any invasive surgery procedures or unrealistic diets, we have the answer you’re looking for. 

You can tone, tighten and shape your muscles, all while increasing blood circulation and regaining your natural, confident look!

5. Get enough sleep each night

We often underestimate the power of a good night’s rest. Getting the right amount of sleep can contribute to maintaining a healthy, slim weight, and a toned jawline! 

While we sleep, our body enters repair mode. Not only do we burn calories while we snooze (between 50 – 100 calories an hour), but while we dream, we are actually setting ourselves up for success in the day to come. 

Looking for some inspiration? Here’s my current favorite evening routine!

A full night of sleep gives us the power to use our brains when they are most powered up. That helps us make better decisions with our food choices all day long. When we’re well-rested, we are more likely to exercise and to stick to our diets!

6. Smile!

If you knew that every smile got you closer to a more toned face, you’d probably grin all day long! 

When you smile, you use almost all the muscles in your face — meaning that a sleeker look could be just a few wide smiles away. The movement of these muscles reduces face fat, especially when you smile big and wide with your mouth closed. 

Smiling uplifts your face and your mood too!

Confession time: I did not like to smile after I had a terrible car accident almost 10 years ago. 

Not because I was unhappy, but because my face looked so out of alignment, and my smile looked so unnatural. I was very uncomfortable when I spoke to people in person because I was afraid the other person would notice my unnatural, uneven smile. Also, I did not like having my photo taken back then because I was losing my confidence. I never thought I would have a big smile again! 

Fumiko's face out of alignment on the left, and Fumiko's toned and aligned face on the right

Today, I can smile as big and bright as I feel thanks to practicing Face Yoga.

Not only did I regain my confidence, but my face became more toned, sculpted and slim. 

Now when I smile, it looks good on the outside and feels great on the inside. A slim face is attractive, but a great smile always steals the show!

Want exercises to naturally tone and slim your face? Try these FREE Poses to get the results you want!

4 thoughts on “6 Face Yoga Method Tips For A Slimmer Face”

    1. Hi Marissa! We’re thrilled about your interest in practicing Face Yoga. You can find all the details about our Programs in the Programs section ❤️

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