The Evening Routine Every Face Yogi Should Know

Move over Netflix; there’s a new kind of evening routine worthy of a Face Yogi! 

We know that cuddling up on the couch can be a tempting relaxation technique, but for Face Yogis, there’s a better way to relax, ease tension, reduce anxiety, aid sleep, and feel good. 

(Nope, it’s not a glass of wine either!)
What we suggest instead — a relaxing, evening facial massage! We’re not saying you can’t pair it with your evening of Netflix, but we do encourage you to make it a priority and a regular part of your Routine! 😉

Evening Facial Massage: The Benefits

You should do the massage we’re about to walk you through in the evening to rid your face and neck of any tension before going to bed. Facial massage is excellent paired with your Face Yoga Practice, and in this case, it’ll help relax overworked and overactive muscles. 

Areas such as the forehead, temples, and jawline store most of the tension during the day, and a gentle, relaxing massage in the evening can help get rid of the stress while promoting sleep. Releasing built-up tension also reduces frowning at night, clenching of teeth, and tightening of facial muscles. 

Because your skin and face go in repair mode at night, giving it this extra step of nurture will allow you to wake up with a relaxed and glowing complexion.

Evening Facial Massage: How To

  • Go all out and set the mood for yourself! Listen to relaxing music, light candles, diffuse essential oils, and whatever will help you and your mind relax.
  • Take a few deep breaths and drink water before and after massage
  • Applying moisturizer is optional. 
  • Start by tapping above the collarbones to activate the lymphatic pathway.
  • Start to tap very gentle with your fingertips on top of the head, to the temples, behind the ears, down the neck, to the collarbone, and repeat.
  • Apply the Forehead Acupressure Point Push by taking your knuckles and gliding them a couple of times from the middle of your forehead to the temples. 
  • Pinch the eyebrows, making sure to grab the muscles and not only the skin. 
  • Relax the shoulders and keep your breath moving. 
  • Very gentle pinch the eyebrows between your thumb and index fingers.
  • Do acupressure with fingertips on temples, thumb under the ears, and firmly press your fingertips into the temporalis muscles. 
  • Make small circular motions if you like to help you relax the entire forehead, especially if you have frown lines.
  • Take your thumbs and place them under your jaw and apply firm pressure directly under the cheekbone in front of the ear for a few seconds. 
  • Keep your teeth slightly apart to make sure the muscle is relaxed. 
  • Move your fingertips a little bit down the middle of your masseter muscle and press, or do small circles, changing the direction and relaxing the jaw and the tongue. 
  • Move your fingertips again right above the jawbones, press firmly or massage this area, as long as it feels good for you, but make sure to keep the rest of the face relaxed.
  • Massage the ears by starting a the top, grab them between your index finger and thumb, and massage your ears from the top to the middle.
  • Move to acupressure along the jawline by starting in the middle of the chin, thumps under the jaw, index finger on top of the jawbone, and press along the entire jaw to the ears. 
  • Repeat one more time from the chin, along the jaw, to the ears. 
  • Massage the back of your neck, spending as much time as you need here to massage out the back of your neck.
  • Place fingertips on top of the shoulder, and firmly press fingertips down — it might slightly hurt, and that’s OK.
  • Keep pressing with fingertips and move to the other arm around either in back and forth motion, to the sides, circles — whatever feels best! 
  • Move to the other side. 
  • End this relaxing massage with gentle strokes all over your face and down the neck.

Creating a new Routine is not easy. But luckily, this one will feel so good; you’ll be back for more! 

For more tips on establishing healthy Routines, tune in for further reading in the blogs below.


6 thoughts on “The Evening Routine Every Face Yogi Should Know”

  1. Hello!!
    Are there instructions in spanish?? In fact i would like to have the program in spanish but I’m not sure if it is available.
    Actually…. I don’t really know wich once to choose, I’m 46 I live in Mexico city and I want to look better, i want to see myself in the mirror and smile because i like want I see.
    Please advice me wich would be the best way to begin?

    Thank you!!!

  2. thank you, it feels very complete as a treatment, great! I’ll also teach it to my daugthers. I would use it in my practice (speechpathologist) too, but I’m retired now. I used to teach some kind of facial massage to spouses of people with braininjuries,

  3. How could we be anything but glowing after a facial massage recommended by you. Still getting the hang of it as I have a wonky left hand. I have metal bars that are pushing on my finger bones that have distorted everything. With practice anything can become a routine. Thank you Fumiko YOU ROCK ALWAYS.

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